Volunteer Information
Mandatory Process fo New Volunteers
We would like to thank all the volunteers that help make St. Charles Borromeo a great school for our children. Although this process can be an inconvenience to your time and schedule, it is a small price to pay for the safety of our children. Thank you for your commitment and continued support!
It is MANDATORY for NEW volunteers (examples include yard duty volunteer, room mom, lunch duty volunteer, or sports coach) to have the following items completed one time:
See attached detailed instructions on getting fingerprinted here. These procedures need to be completed exactly. Please save your payment receipt and drop off to Janet at the Rectory and you will get reimbursed for the fee.
Complete the Volunteer Application Form.
Complete the Code of Conduct Form.
Virtus training must be completed and sessions fill up fast. Register here for this session or another one: Select “First Time Registrant” on the left and then select “Begin the Registration Process.”
Enter Trenton, NJ for the diocese.
Click Here for Detailed Instructions
Bring your completed Code of Conduct Form, Volunteer Application Form, copy of
Virtus Training Certificate, and receipt / invoice from fingerprinting to the School Office
or Rectory and you will get reimbursed.
Once you have been given clearance, you will receive a badge. This badge must be worn or kept with you when you volunteer to show that you have been authorized to volunteer.
Alternate Method for Fingerprinting
If you do not have access, or do not want to make an appointment online, you can call to make an appointment at IdentoGO, Cherry Hill, NJ at (877) 503-5981. You then need to print and complete the form linked in the button below and bring it to the appointment with a photo ID.
Questions? Please contact Janet Ridgway at the rectory: (856) 829-3322 or jridgway@pcscb.com