Please see the latest edition of the weekly newsletter from our principal, Mr. Johnson.

Here’s a glance at what’s happening this week, what’s coming up, and some notes I think are important for our community to know.

Good Evening SCB Families,

Here’s a glance at what’s happening this week, what’s coming up, and some notes I think are important for our community to know.
Monday, 9/9
Thursday, 9/12
  • Back-to-School Night, 6:30PM. The evening will kick off in McCusker Hall with a few short presentations, followed by time in your child’s classroom to meet with the teacher.
Friday, 9/13
  • NO SCHOOL. Staff PD.
  • PTA Pretzel order forms due. See attached flyer and order form for more information.
Friday, 9/20
  • PTA Principal Pit Boss, 6:00-9:00. Come out for a (school) family barbecue featuring celebrity guest chef and SCBPS Principal, Mr. Johnson! $50/family includes dinner, drinks, dessert, and plenty of family fun. To register Venmo @SCBPTA and note “Barbecue,” family name, # adults, and # children. Send cash/check (to SCB PTA) to school ATTN: PTA and note “Barbecue,” family name, # adults, and # children. See the attached flyer for more information.
    As we begin a new school year, it’s important to remember the ways we can work together to keep our community healthy and safe from the spread of germs. To that end, please adhere to the following practices:
    • If your child has a fever (100.4 degrees or over) he/she must stay home until fever free for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medicine. Under this guideline, a child who is sent home from school with a fever must remain at home the following day as well. 
    • For gastrointestinal illnesses, if your child is experiencing nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea, please keep him/her home until symptom free for at least 24 hours.Again, under this guideline, a child who is sent home from school with any of these symptoms must remain at home the following day as well.
    • For strep throat, if your child has a sore throat that comes on quickly, has pain when swallowing, swollen tonsils, small red dots on the back roof of the mouth and/or white patches, please keep him/her home until cleared by a doctor.
    • Review at home the importance of washing hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom and before handling food.
    • Use alcohol based hand sanitizers as an alternative to washing hands when there isn’t ready access to warm water and soap. 

    If there are any changes in the way your child is normally picked up from school, please call the main office to confirm the change.

    Parent Portal in Genesis is open for parents to access. Please log in to sign off on the Student/Family Handbook, the Acceptable Use Policy, and our Photo Release form. These documents must be viewed and signed off by 9/14 or Parent Portal access will be locked. If you experience any difficulty logging in, please contact Mrs. Kulbick (jkulbick@scbpschool.com).

    A demographics form was sent home on Tuesday, September 4. Please complete and send back to the school. This is important to ensure that our records in Genesis are current and accurate.
That’s all for this week. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

Jeff Johnson, Th.M, Ed.S


Saint Charles Borromeo Parish School