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School Nurse Information


New Jersey State Law requires the following regulations be followed before the school nurse may dispense prescription and/or over the counter medication: 

  1. The student must present a note written by the prescribing doctor to the school nurse giving her permission to dispense the medication to the student. The note must include the name and dosage of the medication and the time to be given as well as any other directions. In addition, the parent or guardian must give written permission to the school nurse to dispense medication to his/her child. Therefore, two notes are required by law for dispensing medication -one from the doctor and one from a parent or guardian.

  2. Medication must be brought to school in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy and physician, stating the name of the drug, dosage, and time to be given by the school nurse.

  3. The student must bring all medication to the nurse’s office immediately upon his/her arrival in school. No student may carry medication of any kind on his/her person during school hours.

  4. No student will be given medication by the school nurse unless the above regulations are followed.

Note: If possible, arrange times so that medication may be administered at home.

If your child is to progress favorably in school he/she should be in good health and be able to attend school daily. Good sense dictates that it is most inappropriate for your child to come to school when he/she is ill. Your child needs to remain at home during illness so recovery will be quick, and other students are not subjected to the illness. We ask you to protect your child and our students by keeping your child at home during the time of his/her illness. 

Keep your child at home until he/she is completely well. On the morning of your child’s absence and on each subsequent day of absence, call the nurse’s office at 829-2980 before 8 AM to report the absence. Leave a message stating your child’s name, homeroom, and reason for absence on the answering machine. Also, at this time, please state whether someone will come to school to pick up the student’s homework for that day. If you have registered your child for the C. A. R. E. S. Program for that day, please inform the nurse on the answering machine that your child will not be attending the program that day due to illness. The nurse relays all information to the appropriate staff members. 

On the day of your child’s return to class after an illness or other absence, he/she must present from his/her parent to his/her homeroom teacher a written absence note stating the length of the absence and the reason for the absence. No child may be admitted to class after an absence without the above note. If a student has been absent due to illness on three or more consecutive days, a doctor’s certificate must also be presented with the parental note.


If a student oversleeps or is late for some other reason, send him/her to school. It is better to be late than to miss class completely. If a student is late:

  1. The parent is to send a note of explanation with the student.

  2. Upon arrival in school, the student is to report to the nurse’s office to obtain a late slip.

  3. Any student in Grades K to 8 who arrives after 8:20 AM is late. 

Please see the Regulations for Communicable Diseases listed in the family handbook.


Any questions?


Please contact our school nurse:
Mrs. Eleanor Pelosi at

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