Hello and welcome from your SCB PTA Executive Board! We are so excited to work together with the students, families, faculty, and staff of our beloved St. Charles Borromeo Parish School in the pursuit of our mission:

  • to Serve each other, our parish, and our world with humble generosity;
  • to Communicate and foster connections between school and home; and
  • to Build a community dedicated to the spiritual, academic, and social development of each student in our school.

With these tenets as our drivers, our greatest priority is to foster broader parent participation in the many activities, events, and volunteer opportunities we offer throughout the year. We hope to make it easy to find ways to get involved and to make ourselves accessible if you have any new ideas or suggestions to offer! Growing our numbers and participation is a wonderful way to model for our children a community of families who work together, have fun together, take care of each other, and support each other in times of need. We deeply hope you’ll want to be a part of that!

Please feel free to reach out anytime by e-mailing PTAPres@scbpschool.com. We look forward to another wonderful, rewarding year growing, connecting, and collaborating with each and every family at St. Charles!

~ Aubri Hilsee & Kate Bettner

Co-Presidents, 2024-2025

To sign up for the PTA E-Blast please sign up with Constant Contact

Email us with any PTA related requests or questions and the appropriate board member will get back to you!

Request for Prayers

PTA BOARD 2024 – 2025


V. Rev. Daniel Kirk, Pastor


Jeffrey Johnson, Principal

Unit Officers

Co-President: Aubri Hilsee / Co-President: Kate Bettner


Vice President: Nicole Vassallo

Recording Secretary: Carolyn Bernacki

Treasurer: Beth Finnegan


Standing Committee Chairpersons

Spirituality Chair: Jill Branin

Publicity Chair: Andrea Casabianca

Hospitality Chair: Murielle Kelly


Ways and Means Chair: Nicole Gray and Angela Martin


Sponsorship Chair: Betsy Kulpa

Faculty Liaison: Annmarie O’Malley


Members at Large: Irene O’Connor / Christine Garofalo / Bev Longo